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Debt collection in Poland [сообщение #5726] Вск, 26 Ноябрь 2023 12:41
zaiser51 в настоящее время не в онлайне  zaiser51
Сообщений: 13
Зарегистрирован: Ноябрь 2023
Junior Member
Debt collection in Poland is governed by laws such as the Civil Code and the Act on Payment Terms in Commercial Transactions. Specialized debt collection agencies operate within this legal framework to recover outstanding payments. If informal methods fail, creditors can pursue legal action through the court system. Once a court judgment is obtained, enforcement measures, such as asset seizure or bank account garnishment, may be employed. Poland also has consumer protection laws in place to ensure ethical practices during the debt collection process, with regulated interest rates on overdue payments.
More information by this link: https://www.grandliga.com/en/debt-collection-in-poland/
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